Friday, July 3, 2009


Ken and Penny saw our recent article in the newspaper and came to play with our group. We want them to know how welcome they are and invite them to keep coming back. Renee has already added them to our weekly distribution list.
Thanks Don for sharing the good news.

AND ........fellow Meadow Pointe Picklers - I sent a note off to Pat and Suzi to see if they had made it to Washington yet, and to see if they had gotten a chance to play pickleball when they stopped in Las Vegas...........We know you all like to hear about what our fellow players are up here's the note we got back from them.

"We got to Bellingham on the Sat before Father's Day, via Tallahassee to see Jeff, Austin to see Suzi's brother and his wife, Santa Fe, Bandolier Natl Monument, Las Vegas to visit friends from high school, Death Valley, Lake Tahoe, Crater Lake, and Mt Hood. We didn't get to play PB in Vegas. .............the only times they played out there was in the morning and we were busy then. Their courts were also indoors.

We've played here 3 times with our old group of regulars (5 of us). We play for about 2 hours and seem to get more playing time as you only sit out for one game. Anne seems to win no matter who is on her side. I think she has only lost one game so far. It seems like the games are faster here and more smashing.

Our court here did not have the back line painted so today we painted it and it should be ready for tomorrow. The lines here are painted a light green and are easier for me to see than the red lines at MP1. I think Bob was going to get them to paint the lines blue there. They show up the best.

Suzi's mom flew in on Monday and will be here for 4 weeks. Sunday we are leaving to go to Glacier Natl Park in Montana for a few days, and then back home thru the Canadian Rockies for a few more days.

It sure is nice playing in 70 degree weather with no humidity. I hope to have a few more people playing as we go along and will take some pictures for you. Take care and we'll see you in October"

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